Спеціальності та освітньо-професійні програми для магістрів (англомовний проект)

Field of study: 13 «Mechanical engineering»

Speciality: 134 «Aviation and Aerospace Technologies»

Educational Professional Program: Aircraft Equipment

Field of study: 14 «Electrical Engineering»

Speciality:142 «Power Machinery»

Educational Professional Program:  Gas Turbine Plants and Compressor Stations.

Field of study: 15 «Automation and Instrumentation»

Speciality:151 «Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies»

Educational Professional Program: Automatics and Automation in Transport

Field of study:  27 «Transport Services»

Speciality:272 «Aviation  transport»

Educational Professional Programs:  

Maintenance and Repair of Aircraft and Aircraft Engines

Airport Technologies  and Technological Equipment

Field of study: 15 Automation and Instrumentation

Speciality: 151 Automation and Computer-integrated Technologies

Educational Professional Program:

Computer-Integrated Technological Processes of Production

Field of study: 12 Information Technologies

Speciality: 121 Software Engineering

Educational Professional Program: Software Engineering


Speciality: 123 Computer Engineering

Educational Professional Program: Computer Systems and Networks​

Field of study: 27 «Transport Services»

Speciality: 275 «Air Transport Technologies»

Educational Professional Program: «Air Transportation Management»

Field of study: 07 «Management and Administration»

Speciality: 073 «Management»

Educational Professional Programs: 

«Management of Foreign Economic Activity»


«Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management» (new from September, 1, 2019)

Field of study: 02 «Culture and Arts»

Speciality 022 «Design»

Educational Profecional Program: Design 


Speciality: 192 «Building and Civil Engineering»

Educational Professional Program: Industrial and Civil Engineering

Field of study: 10 «Natural Sciences»

Speciality: 101 «Environmental Studies»

Educational Professional Program:

Ecology and Environmental Protection


Field of study: 16 «Chemical and Bioengineering»

Speciality: 162 «Biotechnology and Bioengineering»

Educational Professional Program:

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology